============== Manage Columns ============== After installing CM K2 Inline, you can find it in Components menu item in Joomla! back-end top menu. .. image:: ../images/backend_menu.jpg Access CM K2 Inline, you see the page to manage columns in K2 item list. The core columns which are displayed in K2 item list are created by default. You can't delete these columns but you can hide them if you don't need them in the item list. .. image:: ../images/column_list.jpg You can do the following actions: * **New**: Create new column for extra field. * **Edit**: Edit a selected column. * **Publish**: Show selected columns in K2 item list. * **Unpublish**: Hide selected columns in K2 item list. * **Show on phone**: Show selected columns on mobile (by removing "hidden-phone" CSS class of Bootstrap 2). * **Hide on phone**: Hide selected columns on mobile (by adding "hidden-phone" CSS class of Bootstrap 2). * **Check-in**: Check-in a checked-out column (column is being edited and not checked-out). * **Delete**: Delete selected columns. Create new column ----------------- Click "New" button on the toolbar to create a new column, you see the form as the screenshot below. .. image:: ../images/column_form.jpg * **Name**: The name of new column. * **Language constant**: Language constant for the name of this column. This can be useful when there more than 2 languages in your back-end and you want to different names based on the current language. You can use Language Manager to add your custom language constant. If this field is empty, the Name field is used as column name. * **Hidden on phone**: Show or hide this column on phone (by adding "hidden-phone" CSS class of Bootstrap 2). * **Width**: The width of column in item list. Example: if you want column has 300px widh, you enter "300px"; if you want it to take 50% of the item table, you enter "50%". * **Extra field**: The K2's extra field which column displays info for. * **Status**: Published column is showed in item list, unpublished column is not. Change ordering --------------- To change the columns's ordering, you sort the column list by ordering, drag and drop the icons in the first column. This is the same to changing ordering in other Joomla! core extension like Categories, Content (Articles),...